Making literacy easy in Music
In Music, students need to be able to
- describe, respond to, analyse and interpret music – their own and others – from a variety of times and cultures
- analyse the use of the elements of music and the overall effects on a composition
- create multimodal texts that include images, language and music notation to express meaning about music.
Literacy Works resources are now unlimited:
- unlimited copies and printing
- unlimited digital downloads for teachers and students
- unlimited timeframe: ongoing user licence.
See Terms here.
ePack contains teacher eBook, student eBook and site licence included for unlimited printing and downloads
Printed book also available for Senior Music Aural Concepts.
Junior Music Aural Concepts
90 pages
suitable for Years 7-10
builds listening skills and writing skills for aural
pitch, duration, texture, structure, dynamics, expressive techniques, tone colour and more
explains Italian terms and musical concepts
contains flash cards and games
meets syllabus requirements for Stage 4 & 5
use with any musical excerpts (music examples not included)
Senior Music Aural Concepts
$49.95 – $59.95
81 pages
suitable for Years 11 and 12
teaches students how to respond to music for aural examinations
based on research in real Australian classrooms – tips for achieving great results in music aural exams
pitch, duration, texture, structure, dynamics, expressive techniques, tone colour and more.
clearly defines and explains concepts
provides clear answer templates
makes aural approachable and easy
contains student worksheets and templates
includes useful exam techniques and tips
use with any musical excerpts (music examples not included)
Literacy Works for Music Book 1
50 pages
suits Years 7-10 Music classes
teaches literacy and Music content together
worksheets for grammar, spelling and punctuation on Music topics
music topics covered include: Musical instruments, Australian music, Music for Film and TV, Music of another culture, Aboriginal music, Popular music, Classical and Romantic Music, Jazz… and more
Literacy Works for Music Book 2
52 pages
teach students how to write about Music
step by step writing activities for Years 7-10 on Music topics
mix and match with your Music units, topics and programs
blackline masters – just copy or print and teach
includes recount, description, explanation, procedure, protocol, report, response, composition diary, listening log, performance evaluation, how to write about musical concepts. composition process diary, listening logs, response and reports
Australian Music
70 pages of blackline masters – just copy and teach
suits Years 7-10
useful worksheets on different genres of Australian music including indigenous music, popular music, bush and country music, art music, jazz and more
teach students how to write about Music – literacy and Music content together
Musical Instruments
80 pages of student worksheets
suits Years 7-10
orchestral instruments, world instruments and popular music instruments
music aural activities and literacy together
plenty of pictures and diagrams for students to learn names and parts of instruments